The EAE Flow System
EAE Flow is a highly advanced, modular software platform designed to control conveying and sortation systems. It enables you to achieve the full potential of your existing, new or retrofitted intralogistics systems. The design of this highly serviceable system is based upon the latest automation developments and highest industry standards. EAE Flow consists of the following modules.
EAE Flow.Master fulfils the Warehouse Control System (WCS) functionalities and links your Warehouse Management System with your operation equipment. The system imports sort & transport parameters and optimally controls the entire material flow.
EAE Flow.Control handles the real-time controls of the electro- mechanical equipment. It efficiently and reliably transports your goods based on the WCS information, I/O signals, and scan & vision data.
EAE Flow.Commander presents a clear and comprehensive Human Machine Interface (HMI) to operators and managers. It visualises the systems’ operational status, statistics and reporting with maximum user friendliness The SCADA-compatible HMI is web-based and can be accessed from multiple authorised (mobile) devices.

Item analysis system
The IAS (Item Analysis System) is a vision based device designed for analysing high-speed intralogistics systems. Two digital cameras with built-in microprocessors provide real-time data processing of item specifications. Because of its 3D functionality, the camera is capable of accurately identifying and measuring the item dimensions, volume, positions, categorisation, colour, bar-code and damages.
Tray SorterControls
When faced with sortation systems with a large number of destinations on a small footprint, the control system is required to respond within milliseconds. The EAE Flow system is designed with this as core focus and proved to be an excellent application for these low-complexity systems.

Crossbelt sortercontrols
With a continuous demand for increasing through- puts of material flows, it is essential to have a control system that can keep up. The EAE Flow system is developed based on years of automation experience and is continuously being optimized. This ensures a gentle item sortation while maintaining the highest industry standard throughputs.

pocket SORTERcontrols
Pocket Sorters require high-complexity sorting and sequencing algorithms to achieve upmost flexibility in your operations. The EAE Flow software architecture guarantees the most efficient item flow that perfectly fits with your material handling workflows and processes.

Since each warehouse entails different processes, the control system needs to be highly flexible to ensure a perfect fit. The high level EAE Flow system functions as a WCS (warehouse control system) and transports items to their destinations in the fastest, most reliable, and stable manner. External systems are integrated seamlessly and are bundled into a single, user friendly, HMI for operations and management.